Sometimes fat deposits cannot be removed through healthy lifestyle, proper diet and physical activity. Localised fat deposits can create disproportionate contours of certain parts of the body and are not affected by these methods of reducing fat accumulation. The ideal method for correcting these fat deposits is liposuction. Liposuction in Džepina Clinic successfully removes stubborn fat deposits, slims down and reshapes specific areas of the body. The goal of liposuction is to correct and reshape body contour due to excess fat deposits.
Genetic predisposition to metabolic disorders may be one of the reasons for greater fat storage in certain areas of the body. The most common reasons are being overweight and physically inactive. Liposuction is a procedure that does not treat excess weight, nor is it a substitute for a healthy diet and physical activity. It most effective in treatment of stubborn fat deposits that cannot be solved with a quality diet, regular physical activity and healthy lifestyle.
Liposuction targets different areas of the body depending on the shape of the body. It is possible to treat the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, upper arms, back, chest, knees, cheeks, chin and neck. Sometimes liposuction is the only procedure that a patient needs, but it can also be done in combination with other procedures to improve the overall appearance, for example liposuction of the chin can be done together with a facelift procedure or it can be used to supplement breast reduction surgery.
Candidates for liposuction are in good medical health and close to their normal weight. The best candidates have firm, elastic skin; good muscle tone; and pockets of excess fat in localised regions. Liposuction is not a substitute for diet, exercise or weight loss. Dr. Džepina conducts a physical examination during consultations so he can assess how fat deposits will respond. Following the physical exam, Dr. Džepina explains how fat removal can improve the contour of your body. If necessary to meet your goals, Dr. Džepina can describe additional surgical solutions, such as an abdominoplasty, that can be combined with your procedure.
Liposuction is a procedure that is intended to improve the appearance, but it is very important that the candidate is above all good overall health in order to minimise possible risks. At the pre-operative consultation, Dr. Džepina evaluates medical history, questions about life habits and experiences with previous Surgeries. Consultation also includes information about smoking habits, allergies, medications, vitamins and herbal preparations the patient is taking. Before surgery, patient should stop taking medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs or herbal preparations as they can lead to an increased possibility of bleeding during or after surgery. Depending on patient medical condition, Dr. Džepina may also recommend the use of some medications before the procedure or the correction of regular therapy if such therapy is used. It is advisable to quit smoking few weeks before the procedure.
Liposuction in Džepina Clinic is performed under local anaesthesia with intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia. The technique itself consists of small, barely visible incisions through which a solution of fluid is instilled to reduce trauma and bleeding so that the procedure can be performed safely. The cannula is then introduced, a thin tube that removes fat tissue in the treated area. In addition to traditional liposuction, Dr. Džepina uses latest ultrasound technology, VASER liposuction. In the first phase, a very thin ultrasound probe is introduced into the area that will be treated, and with the help of ultrasonic waves, the fat cells are broken down and then removed with the help of a cannula. The advantage of this method is a better definition of the treated area, as well as faster recovery.
Liposuction can also be used in facial rejuvenation surgery, particularly in correction of neck contour. The incisions are most often placed under the chin and behind the earlobe to fit the natural shape of the face and be inconspicuous. Once the fat is removed, the skin adjusts within the new contours. Removed fat cells cannot regenerate, but depending on the patient’s lifestyle, the remaining cells may increase in volume if the recommendations are not followed.
After liposuction, patients have to wear elastic compression garment that provides control of swelling and allows the skin to retain proper contour. If it is necessary to remove any excess tissue fluid, it is possible to install small drains. In the case of a significantly large amount of fat deposits that are treated, excess skin is formed, which can also be reduced by additional surgical procedure if necessary.
Recovery after liposuction depends on the extent of liposuction and it is very important to follow instructions that are given. Dr. Džepina gives patients all the information about the necessary medications, dressings, when the sutures are removed and when it is possible to return to normal activities and more strenuous physical activity.
The final result of liposuction can be seen when swelling has completely receded. The operated area should not be subjected to compression or excessive stretching, impact or movement during the early postoperative recovery phase. The course of recovery is individual and some patients need several months for all the swelling to disappear completely. Postoperative precautions minimise potential risks. A good recommendation that applies to everyone, and especially after this procedure is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, quality nutrition and exercise regularly.
Dr. Džepina will inform the patients that in some cases there may be risks such as uneven contour and asymmetry, sagging skin, skin or nerve injuries, uneven pigmentation, inflammation, accumulation of fluid, unsatisfactory scarring, risks hematoma (blood clot), changes in superficial skin sensation and asymmetry, prolonged postoperative pain, damage to adjacent organs around the treated region, poor wound healing, deep vein thrombosis, and the possibility of revision (reoperation). In Džepina Clinic it’s our mission to customise an ideal surgical plan that meets each patient’s individualised needs and desires and patient’s satisfaction is the best confirmation of a successfully performed procedure.
Dr. Džepina has performed liposuction for over 30 years and has a consistent track record of excellent results. The key to good results is meticulous attention to the patient’s contour and extensive experience with the procedure.
Džepina Clinic offers its patients more payment options in order to choose the way that suits them best. Find out about the price of liposuction and the prices of all procedures in the price list of the Džepina Clinic.
Results of liposuction in Džepina Clinic are visible immediately; and the patient’s body shape will continue to improve over a period of several months. Positive change in aesthetic appearance always results in improvement in self-confidence.
Talk openly with someone who understands you and make an informed decision.
Dr. Dzepina's goal is to make you feel good in your body.
Simply through this conversation, you can realise what is really “normal” and what can be the realistic outcome of the operation.