
What are moles and skin changes

Moles are natural growths on the skin most often in a dark brown shade and are formed by the accumulation of pigment on various parts of the body. Moles can be of different colours, shapes, sizes, as well as textures. Many moles fade, disappear, and most of them are harmless.

Dr. Džepina recommends monitoring moles and regular check-ups in patients with a genetic predisposition to melanoma, patients who have a large number of moles, unusual forms of moles and large moles. In addition to moles, other skin changes, such as warts, cysts or lipomas, are a natural phenomenon on the skin, which can be easily and simply removed with an aesthetic procedure.

Who are the candidates for mole removal surgery and other skin changes

Patients of Džepina Clinic are men and women who have moles and other skin changes that they want to remove for aesthetic or health reasons. In the case of melanoma, it is especially important to react in time to remove it at an early stage. Therefore, it is always recommended to monitor and control such skin changes.

Candidates who are most at risk for melanoma are patients who have a naturally lighter complexion, a family history of melanoma, have previously had skin cancer, are exposed to excessive sun, have suffered burns in youth or childhood, their skin easily gets burns, blemishes or becomes painful on sun exposure, patients with light-coloured eyes, blonde or red hair and those who have a large number of moles. It has been proven that the most well-known cause of skin cancer is ultraviolet meaning and the best prevention is sun protection.

Mole and skin changes surgery

Skin changes can occur due to various causes. Changes that may indicate melanoma may be a new change that does not heal; small, smooth, shiny or protruding nodule; reddish change; skin-level formations that may be reddish, rough, rough in texture, dry in consistency; rough, reddish or brownish spots of various sizes (actinic keratosis) and the like. Not every change means the development of skin cancer, but it is important to consult the doctor who can determine what it is and whether there is a need for surgery.

Skin changes or tumors can also arise from structures under the skin, subcutaneous fat deposits, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, blood and lymph vessels and nerves. Dr. Džepina will surgically remove all or part of the change (which very rarely happens in exceptional cases) and sends a tissue sample for histology analysis. This analysis is crucial in correct diagnosis of any skin change.

Skin growths can only be completely removed by surgical removal, which is the standard treatment for such changes. The goal of surgery is to ensure safe and healthy surgical edges so that no tumour cells remain. Dr Džepina will carefully excise the lesion to ensure that the scar blends in skin lines, but the priority is to eliminate skin lesion completely.

Skin changes in Džepina Clinic can be safely removed depending on the type, appearance, size, risk of scarring, age and general health of the patient. There are several types of procedures to remove different types of skin changes.

  • Surgical removal is the best method of treatment. The lesion is removed with a safe healthy margin that is typically a few millimetres. The resulting wound is closed by direct suture of the edges or can be closed with flaps of local tissue. Sometimes (in the case of large lesions) a free graft of healthy skin taken from another part of the body is sutured into the resulting wound (defect). There is also the possibility that the wound does not close at all, but that the whole so-called secondary type of healing. For some areas on the face it is a very convenient way of treatment with good final appearance of the scar.
  • Excochleation and cauterisation, under local anaesthesia the change or cancer is removed with a sharp instrument, and the surrounding tissue is treated with a special instrument (electrocautery) to control bleeding and any residual changes around the edge of the wound. Most patients develop a flat, whitish scar upon completion of healing, no larger than the lesion that has been removed.
  • So called cryosurgery (freezing with liquid nitrogen) is a type of procedure used for very small changes (eg warts) or actinic keratosis.
  • Laser removal is sometimes used for changes that affect the superficial parts of the skin. In similar cases, dermabrasion can be used.
  • Radiotherapy (radiation) is a method that is used somewhat less frequently, in special cases and in places that are more difficult to access to surgery.
  • Topical chemotherapy with a cream or lotion for some minor cases may be effective for some mild skin changes.

Recovery after surgery to remove moles and skin lesions

After the removal of moles, skin lesions and especially skin cancer, post-surgery follow-up is mandatory. Depending on the patients case, Dr. Džepina recommends regular check-ups as well as prevention and protection measures. For safe recovery after surgery it is important to observe the following:

  • It is extremely important to avoid excessive sun exposure. It is recommended to stay in the shade, especially from 10 am to 4 pm when UV rays are proven to be the strongest and most harmful.
  • The skin should be adequately covered with clothing and footwear in the open to protect it from UV rays.
  • It is recommended to wear hats, scarves or eye shadows to specifically protect the head, face, ears and neck.
  • Applying sunscreen or oil (SPF) 15 or higher protects the skin from harmful effects. It is necessary to apply such protection of the skin of the face and body on a daily basis.
  • When spending time outside, it is advisable to use umbrellas that provide approximately 100% UVA and UVB protection.

Patient experiences after surgery of moles and skin lesions

Excision of moles and other skin lesions is important as a prevention, because potential precancerous lesions are removed which is a significant health benefit for the patient. Removing unsightly moles and different skin lesions on your face and body can also improve your aesthetic appearance.

The cost of surgery to remove moles and skin lesions

Džepina Clinic provides patients with more payment options in order to choose the way that suits them best. You can find the price of the procedure for removing moles and skin changes, as well as the prices of all other aesthetic procedures in the price list of the Džepina Clinic.

Actual results after excision of moles and skin lesions

Moles and other skin lesions can quickly and painlessly removed under local anaesthesia. Aesthetic result of this type of surgery will depend on the size and location of the lesion, but the most important imperative is that the lesion is completely removed with healthy margins.


Talk openly with someone who understands you and make an informed decision.
Dr. Dzepina's goal is to make you feel good in your body.
Simply through this conversation, you can realise what is really “normal” and what can be the realistic outcome of the operation.

Whatever you decide, you can be sure that you are in safe hands. Ask us.